Archive for June 23rd, 2008


Too Early!

So Cindy just got home. We have been told she came in a bit earlier then most women do. They did an ultra sound on her, and concluded that she has nothing to view yet, but something to do with a cyst on the ovary tells them that the fertilized egg came out of her left ovary. So basically things look good but no official thumbs up, BOOOOOOOO. I am bummed but I am also inpatient. I guess she will go back in two weeks to get the official thumbs up.

I asked what this means and she informed me that it really does not change anything. The doctor agrees she is probably pregnant but can’t really say so until their protocol is met. I get it, doctors have to watch their asses now a days, but does it really mean you can’t just say, “yes you are pregnant let’s just make sure in two weeks that is going well”. So now begins maybe the longest two weeks of my life. I am a huge worry wart and I think I need official oks even though I know things are probably fine. The next step as my wife informed me is blood work. I guess this is to check for HGC that has already been detected by the home test. Once again we give more money to the doctors, who will tell us nothing more than we already know. Oh well I guess that’s how things are done. Thinking about it now I guess no bad news is good news. I mean we know she is pregnant. We know a fertilized egg came out of an ovary, what we didn’t hear is if anything was abnormal. I can appreciate that! I think I will keep that kind of spirit going.

Well it’s not what I wanted to hear but it is also not what I didn’t want to hear. I guess today really has not change our dynamic at all. What a bummer!


It has reared its ugly head!

So I don’t know exactly if this is normal but I would suspect that it could be. My wife has turned into the dragon lady. There has not been a smiley on her face over this entire past weekend. From doing some research I know that her hormones will be off the chart, especially during the first trimester. I have to however say wow I never thought it could be so bad! I almost miss the good old days of PMS. Now I know what you’re thinking. I am only getting myself into more trouble writing about it. I have a loop hole! Cindy informed me that I could and for better quality should be as honest as I can be in these post. I was told she could not hold that against me. Well we will see after she reads this post.

It takes a toll on the man in these situations. Yes I said it this is tough on the guys too. So shoot me you uptight women out there. Despite the fact that, yes your body is changing, and yes your going through what will be the most traumatic, physical and emotional moment of your life, we still have a ton to deal with as well. I am in no way, and please mark this down, saying that my job is even close to as hard as hers. What I am saying is for the guys, despite an onslaught of comments and nasty remarks we do our best to suppress our anger and rebuttals. We know it’s not really your fault your evil, but it is sometimes impossible to not argue back, and don’t think that the guilt doesn’t sink in right after we give it back to you. We feel awful, it’s a huge crutch that men think unilaterally sometimes, but it usually shows itself in the form of defense when being attacked, we just can’t help it. Just know ladies we do understand, we are just too proud sometimes to shut up.

Moving on, the tiredness has defiantly set in. Cindy is dozing off every day now at about 6 for a half hour or so. I know that pregnant women need more sleep because their uterus is changing shape, cells are dividing. They are producing a new human, enough said. I can’t imagine what kind of toll a baby oven takes on a body. I have learned that those times that they sleep, are the best times in the day. I get a small escape from the dragon lady. I also have sometime for myself, because I know once the beats has arisen its back to the sweat shop. Is it me or when women get moody they also get motivated. Mind you they don’t want to do things but they would sure wish you to do them. This weekend, I was directed to replace all the smoke detectors in my house, hang a 5 foot mirror, and replace our old thermostat with a new digital one. I really don’t mind doing these things. In fact it is nice when I can make improvements to the house. I just think its funny how we put these things off, that is until miss moody kicks in and then it’s off to the races.

Ok so things are not all bad. In fact they are quite amazing. I am still riding this high of becoming a father, and also becoming massively scared that I am going to be a father. I know that in nine months I will be a dad and our lives as we know it are over, no more dinners out, and no more going to the pub. So as a celebration, and maybe a last supper, I decide that we needed a nice dinner out. It’s an amazing restaurant and it’s also extremely expensive. It was actually very nice. The meal was amazing and the time together was very much needed. I am already seeing that we are going to need some breaks now and then from the whirl wind that will be our pregnancy. Times may they be brief, where it’s just us enjoying each other, kind of like when you first meet. Without those times and experiences I think couples would end up going mentally insane.

I do have exciting news. As I am typing this and trying to find all that I wanted too from the weekend, Cindy is at the doctor getting the officially your pregnant test. The drug store test is probably more than accurate. I am also sure doctors use this as an excuse to get more money. However it will be nice to have the official thumbs up from a professional and not a couple of lines on the test. I will let everyone know the verdict once Cindy gets home.

I can’t really think of much more that has happened. So I will leave it there.

June 2008