Archive for June 20th, 2008


making things easy

I was just told that I need to make this blog easier. My beautiful wife pointed out that I post marked the title and because it is June 20, 2008 some people may become confused. That is if any one besides Cindy reads it. So as to honor the wishes of me lady. I will try and come up with creative titles and scrap the dating idea, I guess word press does that for you anyway. Well back to what should be a pointless day of work. Is it me or once you find out your going to be a dad the whole concept consumes you, I really can’t think about much else. Oh well, I need this job, so back to the grind.


June 19, 2008

June 19, 2008

I decide last night that I will no longer wait to write something the next day. If something occurs and I am near my computer, and I usually am, I will post it.

Where we are now would put Cindy at week three or four. Not really sure yet. We have made a doctor app. for next week, where I hope some questions will be answered. I am really starting to see how keeping this a secret is not going to be easy. One of our family members is trying to plan a family trip far away. It would also come during the end of the pregnancy. So how do we skeet around this conversation? I don’t know, and Cindy hates to lie. So do we avoid people for the next two- three months? If only I had Jedi mind control powers. It would make this so much easier. The thing is I don’t care if I tell people now. However I was told that you should not tell people till at least your second trimester, but once we get the real green light from a doctor, would it hurt to reveal our secret? Would it not make life so much easier? There would be no pretend drinking or lying of any kind.

Being that Cindy would be somewhere between week three and four. As things are now not much has really happened yet. Last night however she took a nap. I know, I know, not a big deal. Well not to you, for me this was an exciting sign. See Cindy never sleeps during the day. She gets weird about it. She feels like she has wasted her day if she naps. So in the several years we have been together I have seen her take a nap once or twice, either because of illness or motion sickness drugs (Dramamine). So to see her willingly lay down say “I am tired”, and then pass out was great!! It was also nice that I got to watch a TV show I never get to watch. I also seized the opportunity to take the dogs outside to play. I got to read a book and enjoy a cool summer night.

Cindy also was overly concerned yesterday if I was planning to enjoy a drink after work. I told her I don’t mind calming down on my drinking. She then told me she doesn’t mind if I drink, she just would rather not go out like we use to. Don’t get me wrong we are no party animals, but we have been known to put them back with the best of them, especially me. I still would rather not drink in front of her. I think that’s just rude. That’s like hanging super bowl tickets in front of any man and saying, “NO!!! Not for you.” I have figured out what I will do and she has agreed to this. If I so choose to have a drink. I will do so as much as I can to hide it from her. I will also partake in beverages that I know would not interest her in the least. I followed the rules last night and enjoyed a glass of single malt, Cindy hates Scotch.

We finished our night reading our baby books and going to sleep. Looking forward to today!!

June 2008