Archive for July, 2008


Eh not much

So we have decided that Cindy is about 9 going on 10 weeks of pregnancy. We feel at this point we don’t have any reservations letting people know. My father has taken that role for me and has made it his job to tell everyone. I mean I am not upset about it, I told him he could. I am not sure it was the best idea considering people are now asking me why I didn’t tell them personally. Oh well, it’s that kind of criticism that might have upset me a couple months ago. Now I just don’t care, I have more important things to care about.

Cindy seems to be making her way for the finish line of the morning sickness. The last couple of days each day she seems to have become increasingly better. It is a good relief to know she is on the upswing. I know that issues can persist throughout the whole pregnancy and it very well might. I just think we may have seen the worst of the storm.

So my birthday is coming up. I am still staying incognito so I will only say that it is soon, I won’t give away the actual day. I guess I like hiding behind a fake name that way I feel less insecure about divulging my true feelings. Any hoo, I received a wii for my birthday from my wife. Ladies if you think your man is to mature or does not care about video games any more. You are wrong. I love it. I love that it has games where you actually have to move to play, but it also has those classic RPG games. I didn’t even ask for the wii but I have said it a bunch of times since I have known my wife. I would always say I would love one of those, but I don’t need it. She totally surprised me and I love her so much. I just have to make sure I don’t play too much and make her mad. Oh and as a heads up fellas. If your wife dopes buy you a gaming system, she doesn’t really want you to use it. She wants you to use it when she is comfortable with you using it. For me it’s easy, with the pregnancy she is always tired and taking naps. That’s my cue to have some fun time.

In other news we went to the doctor for a consultation and now Cindy needs to get blood drawn. She is a big wimp with stuff like that (so am I but I will never admit that directly to her) so I am sure I will be tagging along. I believe this is to test for certain blood diseases and stuff like that. I think they like to tell you up front the amazingly large number of problems that can come with a baby. I choose to look on the bright side. The doctor did mention that the first consultation is always the scariest and it gets easier after that.

There have been some breaking developments in Cindy and my loneliness in all of this. It turns out her Cousin has also been knocked up. This is great because they are extremely close, and they will really enjoy having someone to go through this with. It also gives a buddy (her cousin’s husband) to bitch to. This should be all around good for everyone.

Well work is crazy so I need to get back.



So I believe this word has become my motto. I am constantly apologizing to my readers for constantly not writing enough each week. I am constantly busy since work has massively picked up. I am constantly missing that one last thing in a day to get done, so that everything is set right and I can relax. I am constantly fighting a battle with my wife Cindy about eating and what she wants and if she has. I am constantly going crazy.

So I would say I have been constantly moving and once again is no excuse for not writing, but yet again it’s my excuse.

There has been news on the baby front. We went to the OB again on Tuesday for a consultation. This is where I am amazed they are allowed to make money. We sat an answered question about our family history. With modern science you would think we could have submitted an internet form or something, even a non modern fax could have probably worked. I forgot that in this day and age we have Hippa and stupid privacy laws. I shouldn’t say that because I really know nothing about it, but it annoys me none the less.

So I guess it wasn’t a complete lost cause, Cindy was given the old finger check to make sure her cervix and uterus was the right shape and size. Turns out she is normal. Well as far as shape and size go, the jury is still out on her head.

Urgent!!!!!!!!!! To all men who just found out they are going to be dads! If within the first 4 weeks your significant other starts feeling sick, first; read earlier post they explain a lot, next; be prepared to go without sex for a long time. Look I am now horn dog and I respect my wife and what she is going through. Sex is in my eyes a large part of health relationships, and if your other is not feeling good you are granted at least two months of celibacy. In the long run an extremely small sacrifice compared to the one my wife is going through. I just thought the warning should be out there.

I thought I would end this post the same way I started. I complain a lot, especially the last four or so posts. I don’t want people thinking I am a monster nor that my wife is. Despite everything, I constantly adore my wife. I am constantly looking at her and falling in love over and over, every day. I constantly wake up and want today to be better then yesterday for her. I constantly see the love she has for me in her eyes. I am so proud and excited we are having a child together. I am so in love and glade that our love is the one constant I know that will never change.



Ok so it has been far too long since I have posted anything. There is a reason for this. I have been swamped at work and I am now the sole keeper of the house. This in turn means I no longer get to sleep or relax.

It began a little over a week ago. Morning sickness had begun. Well morning sickness is all day sickness. It is also complimented by some exciting others, such as constipation and headaches. This is not true for everyone, but for Cindy the worse has come true.

Warning men, if your wife tells you she is pregnant and then says she begins to feel sick, check her into a spa for the next six weeks. You will very quickly become the cleaner, cooker, house worker, grocery getter, feet rubber, complaint listener, and any other job that needs to be done. You will have no help because your significant other will be moaning her day away, in what seems like the most uncomfortable pain, all day.

Seriously I am not saying that Cindy doesn’t has it rough, and I know if she could trade doing some chores for not feeling sick, she most definitely would. It is just the most frustrating time I have ever spent with someone. It absolutely brings down your confidence and tears at you. You don’t want to see you wife lying around moaning in pain. It hurts to see her hurting. It also never ends. I try so hard to keep a positive feeling going but it’s hard when it’s such a negative energy in the house. Another little warning men, you will get no sympathy from anyone. It is your duty to uphold the fabric of men everywhere and take the stress filled situation that is now your life. Alright so if you don’t work from home like I do, I guess you have to deal with it much less, but it will still suck once you get home.

I have also learned that anger usually accompanies misery. I get yelled at, at least a hundred times a day. These comments add even more to the frustration. All in all I am complaining a lot and I would do anything for my wife, but I cannot wait till the first trimester is over.

One absolutely bitter sweet thing that has occurred is we have been eating all the foods I am usually not allowed to eat. Since Cindy will only eat certain things, we have been eating basically crappy unbelievably tasty food. I love it but my waist line is beginning to hate it. Oh and that’s another thing there is no working out when you’re dealing with a morning sick wife, there is just no time. So that adds to the growing gut.

There has been some good news, and I wanted to end with some good news. The purpose of sneaking away for five minutes to write something down was to say we got the official thumbs up. I went with Cindy to the doctor for her ultra sound. Low and behold there it was our peanut. Well that’s what the doctor referred to it as. So the kid will officially be known as peanut their entire life. It was really awe inspiring to see this little nut shaped orb on a blurry screen, but what really takes your breath away is when they point out the heart beat. It’s a pixel size flicker on a screen. It microscopic but has the power to make a grown man soft and get very emotional. I would say I have been through hell lately, but that little heart is why, and that keeps you going, I am sure that’s what keeps Cindy going, in her terrible shape. The situation is bigger than me and the chores, the running around, it’s about my future child. I think I will try and keep that in mind when it seems like Cindy just can’t take it anymore or I get another sleepless night. When things are at their worst, there is always a good reason for them, and we will get through. I can’t however wait till this part is over.


No one is safe from the pain

It’s been a day or two since I have posted. I apologize to the three people who may actually read this. I just hope one day when some rich investor becomes pregnant for the first time and turns to my incredibly inspiration blog to help him through. Then he makes me an offer to publish my blog, I will appear on the Today show, and Oprah. Well we can all dream can’t we? I started thinking that with a kid some extra income would be nice, if I could only win the lottery.

On to more important news, Cindy had informed me that she had not thought her mother or sister had morning sickness during their pregnancy. She was hopeful that she may be immune to that beast. It turns out she is only slightly immune. She has not totally lost it yet, but yesterday and today she has been battling with moments of nausea and headache. After some research we found out it is due to lower blood sugar. Some interesting cures are eating a late night snack, or keeping crackers next to the bed so when you wake up you can pop a couple in. We are going to start with an elongated eating day. Instead of three meals a day we are going to stretch it out and eat six small meals every so often. This is supposedly good for you if you’re not pregnant, so what could it hurt. We figured this will keep the blood sugar more stable over a longer period of time.

What has also been a large factor are headaches. Cindy has been having on and off tension headaches. This is common but hard to tell what is causing it. My best guess is dehydration, and the fact that she quite coffee cold turkey. My advice to anyone trying to get pregnant, wean yourself off coffee before you get pregnant, supposedly the headaches suck. It has not been exactly a walk in the park for me. Cindy feels like crap which becomes an open invitation to be evil. I completely understand though. When I get sick I become a bastard and need everything done for me.

I love this new thing she is doing though. I like to call it opposite Kaleb. No matter what I say I get a negative or reverse comment to it. For instance if I said the sky is blue I would almost definitely get a response, “no it red today”. It’s a fun game I have been trying to master. I figure at this point I am going to try and stay on my toes and make the opposite comment of what I want to do, and then maybe I will get what I want. If I want to go out for dinner all I should have to do is mention that I really want to stay home and cook tonight. It’s an interesting theory; I will let you know if it works out for me.

I am so excited that this weekend is a holiday weekend. Let’s hope we can curb the illnesses and get Cindy to a level she can enjoy what could be a relaxing fun weekend.

July 2008